FAQs - About the rollout
- Who are Smart Energy GB?
Smart Energy GB is the not-for-profit campaign helping everyone in Britain understand the importance of smart meters and their benefits to people and the environment. Our national campaign is reaching homes and small businesses across England, Scotland and Wales.
While our job is to spread the message to everyone, we have a particular duty to make sure low-income, vulnerable and prepay customers benefit from smart meters.
For more information on Smart Energy GB and our responsibility in the smart meter rollout click here.
- Where are smart meters manufactured?
Some of the components for smart meters will be manufactured abroad, but factories in the UK are likely to be doing the final assembly and technical configuration of the millions of meters that will be needed for the rollout.
- Are smart meters compulsory?
Smart meters are not compulsory; it's entirely your choice. The government requires energy suppliers to offer smart meters to all homes and small businesses across Great Britain by the end of 2025, but whether you accept them is completely up to you.
- Can I get a smart meter for free?
There is no additional cost for installation of your smart meter. At the point of installation you may be offered an in-home display that shows your spending in near-real time for no additional cost. You won’t have an extra charge on your bill because you choose to have a smart meter. The costs will be spread across everyone’s bills, just like the cost of running and maintaining today’s traditional meters are.
- What's the link between smart meters and clean air?
From the moment your smart meter is installed, you are helping to reduce our carbon emissions as a nation. Smart meters help to create a smart energy system. With a truly smart energy system we can better match supply with demand, and integrate more renewable energy sources such as wind and solar into the system. These forms of generating energy create less air pollution and emit significantly less CO2 into the atmosphere.
- How much will the rollout cost Great Britain?
Smart meters are an essential upgrade to an outdated system. The savings of £19.5 billion will far outweigh the investment of £13.5 billion – meaning an overall net benefit of £6 billion between now and 2034.
- Have other countries already got smart meters?
The United States, Canada, Italy, Australia, New Zealand and The Netherlands are among the countries already benefiting from smart meters and most other EU countries are currently rolling them out. In Great Britain, the rollout has been specifically designed with the consumer at its heart with a focus on using the smart meter and associated in home display to help monitor energy use and manage bills, and will help Britain move towards a lower carbon economy.
- Can I cancel my smart meter installation appointment?
Did you know, smart meter installers group appointments by location? They do this so they don’t have to travel long distances between installations, so they reduce the carbon emissions given off when they travel. Great!
Try to avoid cancelling your smart meter appointment so installers don’t have to make an extra trip to your area, increasing their carbon footprint. Don’t miss out while installers are in your area – book an appointment when you know you’re going to be available.
Sources of Help
Smart Energy GB is the consumer engagement campaign for the smart meter rollout. We want to help everyone understand smart meters and the benefits they bring to households and the environment.
We're not an energy supplier and we don't make or fit smart meters, and we’re not the technical authority of the smart meter rollout.
We also don’t have any regulatory authority so we’re unable to intervene in any individual customer's dialogue with their energy supplier about the service they have received.
Who should I contact if I need help?
If you have an issue with booking your smart meter installation, your installation experience or an issue with your smart meter please contact your energy supplier.
Don't know your energy supplier? For your gas supplier, visit Find My Supplier or call 0870 608 1524. For electricity, visit uSwitch for the number to call to find your energy supplier in your region.
(Charges may apply.)
If you believe that your energy supplier has not met its obligations, Citizens Advice may be able to assist you. Government has given a formal role to Citizens Advice to monitor and advise it on issues relating to customer experiences and energy supplier service. They can be contacted via their website, here or via the Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06.
If you’d like to find out more about the roles and responsibilities of the organisations involved with the smart meter rollout, including the Data Communications Company (DCC) which is responsible for establishing and managing the new smart meter network, see our website, here
You can read about the benefits that smart meters offer you and Britain here, and if you want to contact us about our work or campaigns please click here